Mindfield Helps Leading Automotive Parts Retailer Hire 750+ Employees Across Alberta and Ontario

A leading automotive parts retailer in Alberta and Ontario approached Mindfield to help them with their hiring needs. The client had several challenging positions that required specific industry knowledge, and they were struggling to fill them quickly. They needed a recruitment partner who could help them source, screen, and hire top talent quickly and efficiently.

The client’s seasonal hiring needs required an urgent response, and they needed to fill several challenging positions with specific industry knowledge. Additionally, the client had a vast network of over 80 locations across Alberta and Ontario that required staffing. These challenges were further compounded by the need for a fast and efficient recruitment process that would not compromise on the quality of hires.

Our Solution:
Mindfield proposed a comprehensive recruitment solution that leveraged various channels to source, screen and hire top talent quickly and efficiently. Our solution included:

  1. Multi-Channel Sourcing: We utilized a combination of job boards, social media, and database mining to reach a large pool of potential candidates. We also sent over 25,000 SMS campaigns to reach candidates who were on the go or who preferred texting.
  2. Advanced Screening Process: Our experienced recruitment team screened candidates through a detailed resume review, skills assessment, and behavioral interview. We also used psychometric tests to measure cognitive ability, personality traits, and emotional intelligence to ensure that the candidates were an excellent fit for the client’s culture and job requirements.
  3. Speed and Efficiency: We worked quickly to ensure that candidates were sourced, screened, and presented to hiring managers within an average of 12 days. We streamlined the recruitment process, reducing the time-to-hire, and allowing the client to meet their seasonal staffing needs quickly.

Our recruitment solution enabled the client to source over 50,000 candidates in the first year, with 2338 candidates presented to hiring managers. We successfully filled 761 positions across various locations, including several challenging roles requiring specific industry knowledge. The client was pleased with the quality of hires and the speed and efficiency of the recruitment process.

Our approach allowed the client to focus on their core business while we handled the recruitment process. The client was able to achieve their hiring goals without compromising on the quality of hires, allowing them to provide excellent customer service across their vast network of locations.

At Mindfield, we understand the challenges that hiring can pose for organizations, and we are committed to delivering tailored recruitment solutions that meet our client’s needs. Our collaboration with the leading automotive parts retailer enabled them to achieve their hiring goals, source quality hires quickly, and deliver excellent customer service across their locations.

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